Soft Skills for Leaders by Ben Dowman

In business today, “soft skills” might seem like a misleading term. These crucial abilities, often undervalued, are actually key to successful leadership. In the blog below, Ben Dowman, an experienced leadership consultant and coach, clarifies the importance of soft skills and illustrates how they significantly boost leadership effectiveness.



Management Consultancy projects – applying learnings to real-world challenges

Group of students standing and talking at Management Consultancy Unit event

At the University of Bristol Business School, students in their third year have the option to select a Management Consultancy unit, through which they have the opportunity to work on bespoke research projects for not-for-profit organisations in areas such as marketing, fundraising, strategy and social impact.

This unit is one of the exciting partnerships between the Business School, Professional Liaison Network and external partners allowing students to apply their academic studies to real world situations.

Read on to find out more about the research undertaken by students on this unit, this year, and the mutual benefits this unit offers students and organisations who take part.


Empowering Future Leaders: Bristol Business Students Assess Sustainability Reporting

Last March, students from MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management and students from MSc International Business and Strategy – Global Challenges, participated in the annual auditing exercise assessing companies’ sustainability and ESG reporting.



Navigating Truth in a Post-Trust World: Building Trust in an Era of Disinformation

In today’s day and age, truth is a currency in constant flux. We find ourselves navigating a landscape where facts blur with opinions, and trust seems elusive. But how did we arrive at this juncture, and more importantly, how do we forge a path forward in a post-trust world?


Nurturing Cultural Intelligence: A Guide for Leaders in Management and Leadership

7 people standing in a line in front of a blackboardIn today’s globalised world of work, the ability to navigate cultural differences is increasingly crucial for leaders and organisations alike. Drawing from insights shared in the University of Bristol’s recent webinar ‘Cultural Intelligence for Leaders’ led by Dr. Rushana Khusainova, Associate Professor Ekaterina Nemkova from IÉSEG School of Management offers valuable perspectives on the development of cultural intelligence, shedding light on its significance and practical approaches for leadership and management.


Empowering Communities: The Professional Liaison Network Collaborates with Bristol Energy Network

The Professional Liaison Network (PLN) successfully bridges academia and positive real-world action for students at the University of Bristol Business School through a range of exciting placements and projects.


Student PLN placement with DEFRA – a mutually beneficial opportunity

Student looking to the left, in front of leafy backdrop with text 'Student Placement DEFRA' overlaidAt the University of Bristol Business School, students can work with external organisations to utilise transferable skills from their degree in a professional setting. We spoke to BSc Economics and Management student, Karen, about her recent experiences when she did an in-curriculum placement at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) organised by the University’s Professional Liaison Network. Find out what she had to say.


Transnational Corporations – Benefactors of Western Life or Vicious Exploiters?

Students from the University of Bristol Business School have been investigating the role Transnational Corporations play within global supply chains. Here, one of the students of our International Human Resource Management module, Stephen Angelo Savvanis-Nasiotis , explains their findings. (more…)

Elevating Possibilities: The Transformative Power of PLN Collaborations

Alex Feis-Bryce (male) next to title: Professional Collaborations; Transform DrugsThe Professional Liaison Network (PLN) facilitates the crossover from academia to real-world impact for students at the University of Bristol Business School. The programme drives transformative collaborations and meaningful connections that benefit students and businesses alike. Situated within the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences, the PLN gives University of Bristol Business School students the opportunity to take part in exciting placements and projects. The PLN have had a close relationship with the Transform Drug Policy Foundation for some time, enabling students to experience the realities of working with Policy.


Blockchain: Why Isn’t The Disruptor Disrupting?

In the English language, success and failure can be seen as polar opposites – perhaps even mutually exclusive. Expressing shades of meaning between them is challenging without using phrases like “pipped at the post” or “missed by a country mile.” While linguistic determinism has its limitations, non-native speakers may still struggle with the colloquial nuances in such expressions. The common use of the phrase “being a victim of your own success” reinforces the idea of success and failure as independent states of being. We need a more nuanced view. Success and failure do exist on a variable scale and are not mutually exclusive, even if we don’t define specific words along that scale – particularly when time is involved.
